
Blog of Denis VOITURON

for a better .NET world

FluentUI.Blazor v4.6

Posted on 2024-03-08


We’ve just released a new version 4.6 of Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components. This release fixes some bugs detected over the last few days, but also adds a few new features.

New features

Key Code Provider: global service for capturing keystrokes.


In some circumstances, Blazor does not retrieve all the KeyDown information received from JavaScript. The FluentKeyCode component retrieves this data, in a similar way to the JavaScript library KeyCode and this demo example. The FluentKeyCode component extends the functionality of OnKeyDown by adding the KeyCode property when the OnKeyDown event is raised.

<FluentKeyCode OnKeyDown="@KeyDownHandler">
  Click here and press any key to get the event keycode info.

    void KeyDownHandler(FluentKeyCodeEventArgs e)
        // ...

You can also capture keystrokes globally on the current page. To do this, we provide you with an IKeyCodeService injected by the AddFluentUIComponents method.

  1. Add the following component to the end of your MainLayout.razor file.
    <FluentKeyCodeProvider />
  2. Once the supplier and service have been injected, you can
    • Either retrieve the service and register the method that will capture the keystrokes.
      private IKeyCodeService KeyCodeService { get; set; }  // 👈
      protected override void OnInitialized()
          KeyCodeService.RegisterListener(OnKeyDownAsync);  // 👈
      public async Task OnKeyDownAsync(FluentKeyCodeEventArgs args) => { // ... }  // 👈
      public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
          return ValueTask.CompletedTask;
    • Either implement the IKeyCodeListener interface, retrieve the service and register the method that will capture the keys.
      public partial MyPage : IDisposableAsync, IKeyCodeListener  // 👈
          private IKeyCodeService KeyCodeService { get; set; }    // 👈
          protected override void OnInitialized()
              KeyCodeService.RegisterListener(this);              // 👈
          public async Task OnKeyDownAsync(FluentKeyCodeEventArgs args) => { // ... }  // 👈
          public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
              return ValueTask.CompletedTask;

Some keystrokes are used by the browser (e.g. Ctrl + A to select all the text on the page). You can disable this function by using the PreventDefault attribute of the FluentKeyCodeProvider component.

<FluentKeyCodeProvider PreventDefault="true" />

Pull to Refresh

The FluentPullToRefresh component is an interaction element commonly used in web and mobile applications.

The PullToRefresh is a touch gesture that retrieves the latest data and updates the information available in the application. The user initiates this gesture by sliding his finger down from the top of the screen. This action triggers the loading of new data and displays it in the interface.


<FluentPullToRefresh OnRefreshAsync="@OnRefreshAsync">
  <FluentListbox Height="300px" Items="@Enumerable.Range(1, ItemsCount).Select(i => $"Item {i}")" />

@code {
    int ItemsCount = 2;

    public async Task<bool> OnRefreshAsync()
        ItemsCount += 3;
        return true;

These features are mainly used on mobile devices. To maintain compatibility with the majority of desktop browsers, an emulation script is included and automatically loaded by the component. You can disable it via the EmulateTouch attribute.

The OnRefreshAsync refresh method is called when the user releases the component. It returns True to indicate if there is any further data available. If not, a “No Data” banner can be displayed, via the NoDataTemplate section.

Profile Menu

The FluentProfileMenu is a component commonly found on websites or applications. It usually appears in the top right-hand corner of a web page and offers options related to the user’s account. In this menu, users can access functions such as viewing account details, adjusting settings and logging out. It’s a convenient hub for managing account-related actions.


<FluentProfileMenu  Image="@DataSource.SamplePicture"
                    FullName="Bill Gates"
                    Style="min-width: 330px;" />

Wizard + EditForm: Automatic validation via FluentEditForm

We’ve added a new FluentEditForm component which inherits from the standard EditForm component, but which allows us to correctly handle form validations within FluentUI components. Throughout your project, you can use FluentEditForm instead of EditForm. Even outside this Wizard component, as we’ll be updating other components to handle forms in a similar way.



<FluentWizard OnFinish="@OnFinishedAsync">
        <FluentWizardStep Label="Personal Info" OnChange="@OnStepChange">
            <FluentEditForm Model="@MyData" FormName="@PersonalInfo" OnValidSubmit="@OnValidSubmit" OnInvalidSubmit="@OnInvalidSubmit">
                <DataAnnotationsValidator />
                <!-- ... -->
                <FluentValidationSummary style="color:darkred" />



We have also updated the icon library with 32 new illustrations.

Miscellaneous corrections

The rest of the fixes and changes for this release are (again) quite a long list. We refer you to the What’s new page on the documentation site for a complete overview (including links to issues and change requests on GitHub).

Preview NuGet Feed

We’re going to disable the previews stream used previously, as we’ve decided to include Previews directly in NuGet.Org’s public stream.


These are not production versions. These packages are directly linked to our Development branch. It is therefore possible (probable) that certain Packages may cause problems for a few hours, the time it takes to detect and correct them.

Web sites


If you find something out of the ordinary, let us know in the repo on GitHub, or Twitter / X.



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